Let's Get Closer!
On twilight of July 6th 1994, a cute baby girl was born in Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur. Her trustee woke up in shocked and running quickly towards the ward as a nurse was calling him to tell that a baby girl of his has been safely born. It is also surprising news to the mother as she thought she would receive another ‘hero’ to complete the family tree. Ibu said that I was dressed in baby boy’s outfits that she never came across to the thought she will be given a ‘helper’ in the kitchen. A few days after that, my name was given to the hospital for the purpose of birth certificate. Ibu told me again she was grieving that ayah did not even consult with her, what kind of names to be given to the baby. She had to cross over all the beautiful names that she had been carved in her mind. She was the one that gave birth to the baby anyway. She preferred my name to be Manisah, the name of a grown-up lady existed in the film of Labu Labi instead of Nur Izza Hazwani. Somehow I am so grateful to God that Ayah decided to give me different name than Manisah but I keep it as a secret from Ibu until now. Anyway, whenever I am surrounded by my relatives, they will call me Anis as all of them know that incident.
At school, I was just an average girl. Ibu said I was such a brave girl which I did not shed any tears during my first day in primary school. I was also the one who comforted one of the girls in my class because of the separation with her mother. I was on my own on my second day there. I was a timid, shy and hard-to-speak girl. Nonetheless, I was very active in solo singing and English group singing started in Standard 1. Up until now, I cannot believe that I was the girl who put up her hand when a teacher asked the class if there was any volunteer to be in solo singing. It was because I was not being me and when I have grown up, I think I became that brave because of my passion in singing at that time and the feeling which eagerly pushed me to came out from my comfort zone. My instinct said, “It’s show time!” So here there goes my journey in singing. I have been chosen to join the English group singing after that for two times in a row. Weirdly, the teacher who was in charge to form the group randomly chose the members by walking to class by class and picked whoever that she wanted only based on their looks. I was actually cupped my palms to the sky when I was picked to be one of the members for 2 years in a row. I was even upholding the trusts to be the choreographer of another group singing when I was in Standard 4. Besides that, I almost nearly fall to join a gymnastic team in Seremban when again I was being picked to be one of the 3 girls from my school who was going to join their practices. Thankfully, I was not in the list to step onto another stage which I was being told that I did not fulfilling their criteria to be a gymnast because of my ‘’wood’’ gestures. It is not what I want to be anyway.
“What is your ambition, Izza?”One day, the voice of my English teacher asking me echoed all over the classroom. “I want to be a teacher.” I replied in shyness. Yes, being as a primary student, I always changed what I want to be when I grow up. Some of them are a secretary of a big company, a stewardess, a doctor and even a singer because of passion in singing at that time. However, the most frequent answer would be a teacher. This is not because I know what teaching is all about but just merely because the teachers able to present themselves nicely in a sense of clothing and communicating. They were always being served with good food while we the students were always being served with cold and unappetizing food. Their job as a teacher also seemed so easy in a way that they just entered the class, teaching and leaving. Believe me, all of the students would have the same thoughts even though the facts behind it are all vice versa. Whatever it is, I still kept my dream as a teacher although I cannot guarantee if I able to be one in the future. Out of all the subjects in school, I chose English. I realized my capability in English subject. This is what I love. I started grew my passion more when my father subscribes to Astro. He really loves to watch English movies which I took opportunities from there to learn about English language more in a way of learning new words and most importantly the way of the native speak. For me, listened to British accent at that time was like cycling on a windy day. Smooth, soft and elegant. So, there goes my journey to be an English teacher. I always believe that I able to a great one in the future.
Làm việc chăm chỉ sẽ giúp bạn có được đến đích cuối cùng của bạn, nhưng nếu các phép lạ xảy ra ở giữa, sau đó nó là một tên khác của công việc khó khăn. Cam on. (Work hard will get you to your last destination but if miracles happen in between, then it is another name of hard work. Thank you.)
At school, I was just an average girl. Ibu said I was such a brave girl which I did not shed any tears during my first day in primary school. I was also the one who comforted one of the girls in my class because of the separation with her mother. I was on my own on my second day there. I was a timid, shy and hard-to-speak girl. Nonetheless, I was very active in solo singing and English group singing started in Standard 1. Up until now, I cannot believe that I was the girl who put up her hand when a teacher asked the class if there was any volunteer to be in solo singing. It was because I was not being me and when I have grown up, I think I became that brave because of my passion in singing at that time and the feeling which eagerly pushed me to came out from my comfort zone. My instinct said, “It’s show time!” So here there goes my journey in singing. I have been chosen to join the English group singing after that for two times in a row. Weirdly, the teacher who was in charge to form the group randomly chose the members by walking to class by class and picked whoever that she wanted only based on their looks. I was actually cupped my palms to the sky when I was picked to be one of the members for 2 years in a row. I was even upholding the trusts to be the choreographer of another group singing when I was in Standard 4. Besides that, I almost nearly fall to join a gymnastic team in Seremban when again I was being picked to be one of the 3 girls from my school who was going to join their practices. Thankfully, I was not in the list to step onto another stage which I was being told that I did not fulfilling their criteria to be a gymnast because of my ‘’wood’’ gestures. It is not what I want to be anyway.
“What is your ambition, Izza?”One day, the voice of my English teacher asking me echoed all over the classroom. “I want to be a teacher.” I replied in shyness. Yes, being as a primary student, I always changed what I want to be when I grow up. Some of them are a secretary of a big company, a stewardess, a doctor and even a singer because of passion in singing at that time. However, the most frequent answer would be a teacher. This is not because I know what teaching is all about but just merely because the teachers able to present themselves nicely in a sense of clothing and communicating. They were always being served with good food while we the students were always being served with cold and unappetizing food. Their job as a teacher also seemed so easy in a way that they just entered the class, teaching and leaving. Believe me, all of the students would have the same thoughts even though the facts behind it are all vice versa. Whatever it is, I still kept my dream as a teacher although I cannot guarantee if I able to be one in the future. Out of all the subjects in school, I chose English. I realized my capability in English subject. This is what I love. I started grew my passion more when my father subscribes to Astro. He really loves to watch English movies which I took opportunities from there to learn about English language more in a way of learning new words and most importantly the way of the native speak. For me, listened to British accent at that time was like cycling on a windy day. Smooth, soft and elegant. So, there goes my journey to be an English teacher. I always believe that I able to a great one in the future.
Làm việc chăm chỉ sẽ giúp bạn có được đến đích cuối cùng của bạn, nhưng nếu các phép lạ xảy ra ở giữa, sau đó nó là một tên khác của công việc khó khăn. Cam on. (Work hard will get you to your last destination but if miracles happen in between, then it is another name of hard work. Thank you.)